A Mandarin Oriental Wedding

It was 8.30am on Sunday the 21st August....most of Hong Kong was still snoozing, but for David & Angie, it was their big day, so no time to rest....

We went through our last equipment checks to make sure we had everything we needed for the day ahead. We had additional equipment with us including the macbook pros, so we could edit during the day, as an extra task awaited to prepare the images from the morning's events for ipad slideshows at the evening reception....sounds easy enough....but with 1500 images to go through; select, edit, retouch, export and upload in 2 hours....you need to make sure you have everything well practiced and organised in an almost military fashion....there's no second chances on a wedding day for the photographer....

The venue for the wedding itself - The Mandarin Suite at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Central, probably the most amazing small venue we've had the pleasure to work at - when we say small - its not really 'that' small - its an amazing presidential suite with 6 or 7 rooms including spas, dining rooms, etc which has the most prestigious previous guestlist including Princess Diana, Tom Cruise and Bill Clinton, amongst countless others... so a very historical and cool location for us to shoot - perfect for a wedding reception we thought!

Then came the manic few hours of editing and post production. Fortunately our small team is well versed in Adobe Lightroom, so we were able to edit efficiently and quickly to get everything prepared and uploaded to the iPads in good time to arrive at the reception location in Exchange Square at 'The Rotunda'.

Another great location for the evenings entertainment we thought, the first time we had shot here, our only concern was if there was going to be enough natural light for the large group shot at around 6.30pm, luckily the 5D Mark IIs high ISO performance saved the day for us and let us shoot freely even in dimming light.

It was an amazing wedding, we thank David & Angie for inviting us to be their photographers, we hope they love the photographs that show how much of a fun filled day it was, we always try to capture the emotion and laughter of the couple and the guests. It was nice for us to be able to see the reactions of the couple and all the guests as they browsed the photos on the ipads in the evening, and we received much positive feedback, which is always nice.

We look forward to our next shoot, be it a wedding, a commercial shoot or street photography deep in the heart of Cambodia, thats the joy of photography, every day brings a new challenge, we love every minute of it.

Heres are a few images from the wedding, congratulations again to David & Angie.

Party up the Peak (VIDEO)

We recently collaborated with Rob Rogers (www.eventsman.com) on a very short notice project to put together and film several secret video interviews with friends, colleagues and relatives as part of a surprise gift for a 60th Birthday party up at the Peak Lookout restaurant in Hong Kong. The surprise went down very well and we were fortunate enough to be asked to film the event on the night, which allowed us to capture the great party atmosphere and emotional reaction of the birthday boy!

Here are the event highlights:

Tech info: Equipment used for this event was 1 x cameraman, 5D Mark II, 7D, slider, monopod, Zoom H4N and a batch of canon prime lenses, edited in Premiere CS5. [slideshowpro type="video" url="http://f8photography.com.hk/slideshowpro/albums/album-12/lg/WEBSITEMARSHALL-desktop.m4v" preview="http://f8photography.com.hk/slideshowpro/albums/album-12/lg/WEBSITEMARSHALL-poster.jpg" width="600" controls="true" autostart="false" ]